Monday, January 23, 2012

Multimedia Assignments

With an aurora in the back this became my name tag
My official Bussiness Card made with publisher
Publisher to creater a brochur
page 2

These text effect where really time consuming because every measurement and procdure had to be exactly on point

In opacity i learned how to paint pictures using photoshop.

i created a postcard of my favorite team useing the magical wand

Applying diffrent effects on a picture of myself i was able to get to first use photoshop

This is an essay having to deeal with the meaning of multimedia

Using the gradient tool i was able to create a picture out of nothing on photoshop
using all the techniquess i learned the first marking period i was able to create a flyer

By using publisher i was able to make a normal picture shine

This i a quick masking effect done by me using photoshop
I used photoshop to turn a ordinary suit into a goal scorrer suit

By using photoshop i was able to represent my Holland pride on lego blocks

Usomg photoshop i was able to isolize important things and blur the others

I can sell soccer balls all thanks to the banner i created in photoshop

This is my first Drawing on google sketch up hard work to create my name.
I loved sketch-up so much that i created 24 extra credit blocks.

These two blocks where perfecto

These are 12 blocks that started me to like using sketch up
Long over due assigment that i am doing to make up work from freshman year

My dream bongallo also made using sketch up

my dream bangallo went three dimensional with photoshop
This is a man made usb that i created using illustralor

I was able to create a glowing button using photoshop
The fianal drawing which i used photoshop to create a show case for my shoes

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